Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sex, Sexual, And Sexual Sexuality Essay - 1852 Words

Secrets Desires Our society has socially excepted explicit language as well as sexual undertones as a way of introducing sex and pornography to our young people and mature adults alike.There are hidden secret sexual desires simply because we are taught that if our sexual thoughts or desires are different from others we are strange. Women were taught that they are damaged if they are to engage in watching pornography or engage in altered sexual desires that are outside of the vanilla spectrum. According to Concepcion, C. M. (1999) â€Å" To deny any women any form of sexual expression, including the enjoyment and production of pornography can stunt sexual development and thereby, stunt the development of our sexuality, forces women to question our intuition and police our desires†. Men and Women are being sexually inhabitied by the expression of engaging in sexual content such as pornography by not being able to explore their needs under those circumstances they aren’t able to explore their needs, desires, and sexual needs. The issue might form when women began to think of sexual freedom as a choice to please partners just to grab satisfaction of something missing from their lives, allowing them to long for a touch within a conscious and unconscious state of mind. Some would argue that the behavior would be the result of a missing father or a mother who didn’t respond with proper maternal instinct a child might have needed. There are so many avenues that expand beyondShow MoreRelatedSex, Sexuality, And Sexual Health942 Words   |  4 PagesMany educators feel anxious or hesitant in address the topics of sex, sexuality, and sexual health especially in developing country. They may feel confused about what to teach and when to teach it. Many count ries are now starting to teach the younger generation about sexual health. Although, North America and Europe have sexual education in their school; many developing countries lack sexual education which leads to high rate of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. SomeRead More`` An End Of Shame : Shaping Our Next Sexual Revolution1007 Words   |  5 Pagescontributed greatly to the field of human sexuality and in the 1960’s brilliantly predicted the revolutionary changes in sexual attitudes. In his novel, An End to Shame: Shaping Our Next Sexual Revolution, Reiss develops the notion that our previous sexual revolution did not adequately eliminate the inequalities related to sexuality. In reality he argues that America is in need of a newly formed sexual revolution, one that will address the negative consequences that our sex negative culture is experiencingRead MoreSexuality Is Defined By Sexual Orientation1538 Words   |  7 PagesSexuality is defi ned by â€Å"sexual orientation or preference† as well as the ability to understand the capacity of sexual desires. Same sex sexuality refers to sexual orientation also, but one’s preference towards someone of their same gender and the â€Å"erotic thoughts, feelings and behaviours† they assign to those of the same sex. Culturally, same sex sexuality is not always based on sexual ideals, acts that could be defined as being homosexual and appealing to those with same sex sexuality, oftenRead MoreGlobalization And Sexuality1247 Words   |  5 Pagescharacters. Sexuality refers to how people relate to sexual activities or perceive sexual matters. Sexuality may differ from one culture to the other, but the cultures are likely to influence each other’s sexual beliefs and orientation. Globalization has had an extensive influence on the changes witnessed in sexuality across the globe. It is through globalization that sexual purposes have gotten new meanings. Some of the topics which come up as a link between globalization and sexuality are sexual traffickingRead MoreSexuality, Sexuality And Sexual Orientation1111 Words   |  5 PagesDate: 5/5/15 Human Sexuality Sexuality is something that seems to dominate a lot of the world we live in. It’s in our schools, at work, and especially in the mass media. The way your body develops and the way you feel and respond to others sexually creates your sexuality (â€Å"Sexuality and Sexual Orientation†, Youthoria). It can shape and affect people’s lives as well as our own. Sexuality can be influenced by culture, religion, media, friends and experiences. Some people are very sexual, while others experienceRead MoreIs Sexuality Shaped By Other Social Factors?1628 Words   |  7 Pagesinsert your essay here. Please specify which essay question you are addressing How is sexuality shaped by other social factors? Sexuality does not develop within a vacuum separate to society or politics. All social factors play a role in shaping one another and sexuality is no different. Here sexuality can be loosely defined as a person’s capacity for sexual feelings, sexual identity or preferences and their sexual activity. Secondly, ‘disability’ can be defined loosely as: ‘a physical or mental conditionRead MoreThe Freedom Of The Free Love Movement Essay1582 Words   |  7 PagesAs society moved from agrarian to industrial, the sexual ideology was heavily influenced. During this period, the need for children to help maintain farmland was no longer necessary. Cities emerged and reproduction slowed. This period was a major turning point for the dominant meaning of sexuality; thus it has great significance. D’Emilio writes about this changing sexual ideology when he states â€Å"especially within the middle class, sexual desires had become increasingly fused with a romantic q uestRead MoreSexual education programmes within school based learning have long been cause for controversy,1600 Words   |  7 PagesSexual education programmes within school based learning have long been cause for controversy, particularly in reference to which approach should be taken, what topics should be raised and at what age children should be begin to learn about sexual development and sexuality. Previously, sex education has focused on the biological development of humans however in recent years programs have shifted towards integration of sexuality and sexual health promotion in response to sexual development withinRead MoreThe Cultural Matrix And Gender Identity1506 Words   |  7 Pagesrecognizable standards of gender intelligibility (p.22)† and describes â€Å"intelligible† genders [as] those which in some sense institute and maintain relations of coherence and continuity among sex, gender, sexual practice, and desire (p. 23).† That is, legitimate p ersons are those whose gender matches their sex within heterosexual engagements. However, all persons should be intelligible. It is through the cultural matrix, of the cultural practices and political actions, that such normativity of intelligibleRead MoreAlize Johnson. Mr. Sidney. British Literature . March 27,1280 Words   |  6 Pages2017 Teen Sexuality â€Å"How sexuality, love,and autonomy are perceived and negotiated in parent-child relationships and among teenagers depends on the cultural templates people have available† -Amy Schale, 2010 The controversy over teen sexuality in America seems to be one of the top ranked topics that floods the internet, talk shows, and radio stations. Whether it’s talk about the latest teen pregnancy shows, child pornography, or teenagers who freely exploit sexual content about

Friday, December 20, 2019

Countrywide Financial Subprime Meltdown Ethics Mandi Hash

Countrywide Financial: Subprime Meltdown Ethics Countrywide Financial: Subprime Meltdown Ethics Mandi Hash Acct 430 81E – Krupka, Joseph Abstract â€Å"Not long ago, Countrywide Financial seemed to have everything going for it. Cofounded by Angelo Mozilo in 1969, by the early 2000s it had become the largest provider of home loans in the United States. At that time one in six U.S. loans originated with Countrywide. In 1993 its loan transactions reached the $1 trillion mark. Additionally, it was the primary provider of home loans to minorities in the United States and had lowered the barriers of homeownership for lower-income individuals. Countrywide also offered loan closing, capital market, insurance, and banking services to its†¦show more content†¦Many of the baby boomers started selling their houses to fund their retirement. Disposable income was becoming nonexistent. Despite all of these warning signs financial institutions kept on making risky loans, such as the subprime loans, and builders kept on building more houses for profit. The end result was a surplus of housing and no consumers able to afford it. Banks were forced to start foreclosing on houses when the consumers stopped paying their mortgages. Foreclosure rates were skyrocketing, causing investors and borrowers to feel the full effect of the risks of the subprime loans. The surmounting number of mortgage defaults and investors pulling out of their mortgage-backed securities caused a string of bank and financial institution failures. These failures were felt world-wide, as billions of dollars were lost. Many of the larger financial institutions required government assistance to stay afloat. In just over a year Countrywide depreciated and absorbed $21 billion in losses. Eight billion in subprime loans has a seven percent delinquency rate, as well as the foreclosure rate on the loans doubled. Countrywide laid off twenty percent of its employees. When Is Making A Subprime Loan An Ethical Thing To Do? When making a subprime loan it is the responsibility of the lender to discern whether the loan is a good risk for the borrower and the lender. If the loan is going to be a poor risk to the borrower

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Margaret free essay sample

Margaret was convinced that mothers frequent pregnancies were causing her premature death. All this circumstances evokes In Margaret seeking for better life and Interest In birth control. With the help of her older sister In 1896 she went to Claverack College and entered the nursing program in White Plains Hospital. In 1902 she married to William Sanger and had 3 children together, but one died at the age of 5. Over next 10 years she devoted her life to being housewife and mother. In 1912 she returned back to work as visiting nurse in Manhattan. pset by the poverty experienced as a nurse she get touched with number of women who had gone through many botched Illegal abortion or self-terminate their pregnancies and ainly because one of her patient Sade Sachs died after self-induced abortion as they live in poverty and had already 3 children, Margaret made a pledge to devote her life to making reliable contraceptive information available to women. We will write a custom essay sample on Margaret or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She began her campaign writing a column for New York Call entitled -What every girl should know Shocked by the inability of the most woman to obtain accurate and effective information she start challenging the federal laws Comstock law 1873, the law banned the spreading of contraceptive Information. So In March 1914 Sanger published feminist publication called The Woman Rebel using the slogan and distributed a pamphlet Family limitation ln this book she introduced planned parenthood, the way how to avoid living in poverty in which promoted womans right to have a birth control. Her ambition was to find the perfect contraceptive to relieve the horrible strain of repeated and unwanted pregnancies. After publication she received thousands of letters from women asking for more Information about methods of birth control. She gave them Information, so she broke the Comstock law as at that time contraceptive information were regarding as obscene and immoral materials. Rather than face of possible 5 years jail sentence, Sanger fled to England. There she researched other form of birth control. She separated from her husband and 2 years later divorced. Sanger returned to US in October 1915 when charges against her were dropped. In 1916 she opened first birth control clinic In the USA. But 9 days later she, her sister and all staff were arrested. They were charged for provldlng Information on contraception and fitting diaphragm (couldnt get them in USA so distributing them from Europe, which was illegal) to women. Sanger and her sister spent 30 days in Jail. Later appealing her conviction, she won. Court couldnt overturn the earliest verdict but allowed the doctors prescribe contraception the female patient for medical reasons. Around this time she published the first issue of the birth control Review. In 1921 she founded The 1923 she opened the first legal birth control clinic in USA named as Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, where she served and focus in it when she resigned from League. By the 1950s, meantime she won many legal battles, one of them was, that doctors can freely distribute birth control and all materials can be imported to the country. Also in 1927 she organized the first World Population Conference in Geneva and she was the first president of the International Planned Parenthood Federation founded in 1953. Later on she took her campaign to birth control to Asian countries, especially India and Japan. After 40years of fghting to help women with their fertility, Sanger was frustrated with the limited birth control options ( which were in 1842 diaphragms and in 1869 full length rubber condom ) there have been no new advances in contraceptive methods. She promoted diaphragms, but knew it was still least popular because was expensive and awkward. But Sanger in her seventies with a poor health still dreaming of a magic pill for contraception since 1912. She sought someone to realize her vision of contraceptive pill as easy as take aspirin. She wanted something cheap, safe and effective. Finally in 1951 she met Gregory Pincus a medical expert in human reproduction who was willing to take on project. Soon after she founded sponsor Katherine McCornick. So in 1960 was first oral contraceptive in the world. That was Sangers long life goal of bringing safe and effective contraception. After one big success came another one 4 years later when she itnessed the undoing Comstock law Margaret Sanger died on the 6th of September 1966 in Tuscon, Arizona knowing that she won her battle Across the nation, there are many womens health clinics that carry her name Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person. Surrogacy is still a bit controversial abut in other side it is one more option how to have a child. The history of surrogate motherhood goes to biblical times, some people say goes to Sarah and Abraham, but American Indians were the first ones really begin with surrogate mothers history. So we are looking back to 1899 in this part of world.