Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sex, Sexual, And Sexual Sexuality Essay - 1852 Words

Secrets Desires Our society has socially excepted explicit language as well as sexual undertones as a way of introducing sex and pornography to our young people and mature adults alike.There are hidden secret sexual desires simply because we are taught that if our sexual thoughts or desires are different from others we are strange. Women were taught that they are damaged if they are to engage in watching pornography or engage in altered sexual desires that are outside of the vanilla spectrum. According to Concepcion, C. M. (1999) â€Å" To deny any women any form of sexual expression, including the enjoyment and production of pornography can stunt sexual development and thereby, stunt the development of our sexuality, forces women to question our intuition and police our desires†. Men and Women are being sexually inhabitied by the expression of engaging in sexual content such as pornography by not being able to explore their needs under those circumstances they aren’t able to explore their needs, desires, and sexual needs. The issue might form when women began to think of sexual freedom as a choice to please partners just to grab satisfaction of something missing from their lives, allowing them to long for a touch within a conscious and unconscious state of mind. Some would argue that the behavior would be the result of a missing father or a mother who didn’t respond with proper maternal instinct a child might have needed. There are so many avenues that expand beyondShow MoreRelatedSex, Sexuality, And Sexual Health942 Words   |  4 PagesMany educators feel anxious or hesitant in address the topics of sex, sexuality, and sexual health especially in developing country. They may feel confused about what to teach and when to teach it. 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